I think pain maybe true that is the way our mind guides us. And yes I think it could bea large part of the equation but not the total, it is not that black and white.
Hate is a negative emotion with negative consequences but if you suppress this hate with negativity you put it in your shadow, and loss a part of ourselves. I'm for unrepressing one's shadow and becoming a more whole person, so I would say unrepress one's shadow wisely accept our vengeful dark side but lead it with a wisdom that capitalizes on both our dark and light side. And so I admit to being consumed by hatred in my early years of finding the TATT but through vigorous hiking through the mountains over many mile and shouting into the wild untamed country side my hatred it subsided and I have been able to come to my senses and now feel a more kinder dispostion to this total and complete idiots. I still want to see them begging and in the streets but if it really did happen I SUPPOSE I WOULD FEEL SORRY FOR THEM.
Being totally good should not be a goal we strive for but a balance of yin and yang that leads to the middle road of this and that.